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KIT - Institute of Technology Karlsruhe

About 82.8 million people live in Germany. 10.51 million thereof live in the province of Baden-Württemberg. More than 300,000 people live in Karlsruhe. And in the KIT student research laboratory in Englerstr. 2, not only these figures do converge.

No need to worry about wrong calculations. No need for a pocket calculator, no formulas and no equations. You just have to be curious, interested and ready to play: Watch the more than 80 experimental stations waiting for visitors. Puzzles, mirror images, more or less tricky riddles as well as many other mathematical experiments can be researched. At one Friday each month (exception: August), the doors are opened for everyone free of charge, a registration is not necessary. Check out the <link http: www.math.kit.edu didaktik seite schuelerlabor media flyer_r.pdf external-link-new-window external link in new>flyer for further information.

What could be more appropriate in a building of this kind to proceed with forms and surfaces in the façade? The HAHN Louvre Windows with their equally moving louvre blades are just made for a project like this!

Integrated into the clear structures of the façade, they fresh up your mind – with aerodynamic performance Cv up to 0.65 (depending on vent type) and opening up to 90° within just 13 seconds.

The façade contains 60no HAHN Louvre Windows type Tairmo, each with 2no louvre blades. In addition further 24no Tairmos are installed into the upper building part to enable an air exchange as quick as possible – furthermore they are connected to the building’s smoke ventilation system. Dimensions up to 2440 mm width x 3400 mm height. 10no louvre blades – Uw values of 1.3 W/m²K.

But stop speaking about numbers: If you take the opportunity to visit the KIT at one of their open house Fridays – just take a look at the HAHN Louvre Windows as well. We are looking forward to your feedback.

At HAHN Lamellen, service means above all competence and continuity.

HAHN Lamellen's expert consultants accompany architects, window manufacturers and building owners through all phases of a project. With many years of experience and technical expertise, they provide advice during all processes and support with exactly the information and files you need at the time. Individual requests and special dimensions are routine for us and do not upset anyone.


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