The HAHN Louvre Window Tairmo Allglass system captivates by its well-known and with architects popular Allglass optic while maintaining the innovative technology and function of the Tairmo system in focus. Thus the Tairmo Allglass Louvre Window creates an extended spectrum of application and design possibilities to architects and planners.
Tested and certified for Natural ventilation (EN 14351-1), Smoke ventilation (EN 12101-2) and Ball protection safety (DIN 18032-3).

At HAHN Lamellen, service means above all competence and continuity.
HAHN Lamellen's expert consultants accompany architects, window manufacturers and building owners through all phases of a project. With many years of experience and technical expertise, they provide advice during all processes and support with exactly the information and files you need at the time. Individual requests and special dimensions are routine for us and do not upset anyone.